Looking to sell Capchase stock or options?
Capchase has developed a recurring revenue financing platform aimed at financing operational growth using cash tied up in future monthly payments. The platform provided by the company allows clients to make monthly or quarterly payments for the services they offer to their customers, while still collecting the money upfront. This enables clients to rapidly expand without dilution and costly financing.
Bob Rosin, Thomvest Ventures, Tusk Venture Partners, ONEVC, Calm Ventures, QED Investors, BoxGroup, Amara Venture Partners, Sanat Rao, Daniel Graf, 01 Advisors, Lorimer Ventures, Thijn Lamers, SciFi VC, Caffeinated Capital, GTMFund, Summit Peak Investments, Benjamin Orthlieb, Dolik Ventures, Kibo Ventures, Wesley Barrow, Bling Capital, Rohit Bodas, Trajectory Capital, Defy Partners Management.