Flexport stock

Flexport Stock

Industrial and Transportation

Looking to sell Flexport stock or options?

Founded: 2013Funding to Date: $2.15Bhttps://flexport.com

Flexport, a freight forwarding platform developer, offers a service that enhances visibility and control across the entire supply chain. The platform managed by Flexport organizes the transportation of goods and tracks the inventory in real-time for orders delivered via ocean, air, and road freight. This innovative technology allows logistics companies to optimize their transportation routes and effectively manage their inventory.

Investors Include:

Alexis Ohanian, Neurone, Snow Fox Partners, Rugged Ventures, Ventioneers, Reform Ventures, Friends & Family Capital, Spur Capital Partners, Ashton Kutcher, Kindling Capital, Carmen Busquets, Seek Ventures, Rosecliff Venture Partners, SV Angel, Lee Linden, FG2 Capital, Disruptive, EB Exchange, Jovono, University Growth Fund, 3Spoke Capital, Wesley Chan, DT Unicorn Fund, Paul Sethi, 535West.

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Management Team

Sanne MandersPresident of International Revenue
Ryan PetersenChief Executive Officer & Co-Founder
Nerijus PoskusVice President & Global Head of Ocean Freight
Stuart LeungChief Financial Officer
Christopher Ferro ESQCo-Chief Legal Officer & Executive Vice President
Harish AbbottCo-Chief Customer Officer
Ashianna EsmailExecutive Vice President & Co-Chief Legal Officer
Elad Gil Ph.DAdvisor
Wesley ChanAdvisor

Board Members

Rahul MehtaBoard Member
Trae StephensBoard Member
Robert SwanBoard Member
Amin MirzadeganBoard Member
Naveen JainBoard Member
Michael Ronen JDBoard Member

Flexport’s stock FAQs

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