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H1 Insights operates a healthcare data analytics platform designed to help companies make informed scientific choices. H1 Insights' platform offers real-time data to support the complete therapeutic development process ranging from fundraising, product development to product launch. This provides the healthcare industry, organizations, and professionals with live, on-demand insights from a myriad data sources. This accelerates the process of discovering and developing therapies to combat diseases.
Goldman Sachs Asset Management, dRx Capital Novartis, Y Combinator, Free Solo Ventures, Underscore VC, Shore Group Associates, Jeff Hammerbacher, ClearPoint Investment Partners, Goldman Sachs Growth Equity, Baron Davis Enterprises, Novartis Pharma, Mason Plumlee, Liquid 2 Ventures, Lux Capital, Glynn Capital, IVP, Transformation Capital, Menlo Ventures, Flex Capital, Communitas Capital Partners, Lead Edge Capital, Altimeter Capital Management.